Prohibition of request transfers through the transport system

If you need in SAP to prohibit the transfer of requests from the DEV system further along the transport landscape, you can create a file for this:

  • /usr/sap/trans/bin/T_OFF.ALL to block all systems or
  • /usr/sap/trans/bin/T_OFF.ER2 to block to a specific system.

The contents of the file will be displayed during the attempt (unsuccessful) to release the request in the development system.

SAP for Java (MacOS). Login without password.

I would like to use, of course, SSO 3 for MacOS, but..

In SAP GUI for JAVA (MacOS), you can create a shortcut and save your login and password.
It’s convenient to drag it into the dock for a quick start:

  1. Right-click in the SAP GUI on the desired system > Save Connection Data as Document, save it somewhere
  2. Find this file and open it with a text editor
  3. Add data to the connection string (enter your user= and pass=):
  4. Save, drag the file to the dock on the right side
    It is not safe to store passwords in clear text, but if you really need to, you can.

For security, encrypt the disk by enabling FileVault.

Hana memory leak when switching to SP05

A story that happened with me once…
After switching from release 46 to release 50, an unpleasant thing was discovered – a strange memory leak, and it happened exclusively on Mondays. The switching would be due to the fact that SP05 uses memory much more economically compared to SP04 (Note 2808956 about the Pool/L/llang/Debuggee problem). The problem occurred on Mondays immediately after running the background job /BDL/TASK_PROCESSOR. This background job is responsible for EWA purposes.

After this background job, the memory of dpserver, xsengine and docstore starts to expand:

The solution was found in note 2955475, it says that you need to update ST-PI, but in fact it was necessary to update both ST-PI and ST-A/PI to the latest version. Which is logical, because these components participate in EWA and work in pairs.

SAP Logon input history is not available for certain fields

SAP Logon field entry history has a length limit. So, if the input field is 255 characters long, the input history for it will not be saved. By default, history is saved for fields that are 49 characters long. This can be fixed by setting or group policy:


KeyPath: Software\SAP\SAPGUI Front\SAP Frontend Server\LocalData\

Value Name: FieldLenHistoryOn

Value Type: REG_DWORD

Value Data: 000000FF (255)

Action: Replace

SCCL, SCC9 client copy profiles

Please keep in mind that you cannot fill a client with profile data, for example, SAP_CUSV (settings and options) and expect that the application data in this client will remain old. No, they’ll just wear out. When copying, you can use copy profiles that simplify selection and combination of the objects to be copied. SAP delivers the following copy profiles in the table below. The customizing and application data is deleted in the target client before copying for all profiles except SAP_USER. This is technically unavoidable.

Profile Name                 Description                                      
SAP_2SL_TO_3SL               2 System Landscape to 3 System Landscape Converter
SAP_CLIENT_BACKUP            Client Backup including Temporary Data           
SAP_INITIAL_CLIENT           Provisioning of Users and Customizing            
SAP_TENANT_MOVE              All Tables incl. Temporary Data and Change Docs  
SAP_ALL                      All Client-Specific Data w/o Change Documents    
SAP_APPL                     Customizing and Application Data w/o Change Docs 
SAP_APPX                     SAP_APPL w/o Authorization Profiles and Roles    
SAP_CUST                     Customizing                                       
SAP_CUSV                     Customizing and User Variants                    
SAP_CUSX                     Customizing w/o Authorization Profiles and Roles 
SAP_PROF                     Only Authorization Profiles and Roles            
SAP_RECO                     Recovery (Only if Source Client = Target Client) 
SAP_RMBC                     Customizing, Users and Cross-Client Customizing  
SAP_RMPA                     SAP_ALL with Cross-Client Customizing            
SAP_RMPC                     Customizing Including Cross-Client Customizing   
SAP_UCSV                     Customizing, User Master Records and User Variants
SAP_UCUS                     Customizing and User Master Records              
SAP_UONL                     User Without Authorization Profiles and Roles    
SAP_USER                     User Master Records and Authorization Profiles   

Average response Time for Dialog processes

It is one of the key system performance indicators that can be found in
ST03n transaction > Detailed Analysis > Last Minute’s Load:

Average response Time/Dialog Step (ms) =
Avg. Processing Time + Ø DB Time (ms) + Ø Time/DB Procedure Call (ms) + Average Wait Time per Dialog Step (ms) + Average Roll In Time (ms) + Average Roll Wait Time (ms) + Average Load and Generation Time (ms) + Average Lock Time per Dialog Step (ms)

*Particularly significant components are highlighted in bold