“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”
Arthur C. Clarke.
SAP Logon. Export to Excel. Microsoft has blocked macros from running because the source of this file is untrusted.
When you export a report from SAP to MS Excel this error may occur. New MS Office update prevents running unsigned VBA scripts.

You need to upload new templates to SAP. The problem is that SAP uses several templates for different cases. I found it for Report Writer and EHS Excel. The notes mentioned below might help you. You just need to download these new templates and upload them according to the notes information. In addition, you need to download new SAP certificates for digitally signed VBA scripts. It’s needed to upload to each workstation in Trusted Publishers. Group policy can be used to automate it.
Transaction OAOR:
Class type:OT
Class name:EHSEXCEL
Class type: OT
Yeah there’s a hole in my soul

SAP SSO trouble – Server does not trust my certificate path
G5S-API(maj): Miscellaneous failure
GSS-API(min): A2210223:Server does not trust my certificate path
target='p:CN=<SID>, OU=SAP-HEC, O= SAP SE, C=DE*
Error in SNC
Do you want to see the detailed error description?
There is an SAP note for this problem, but it didn’t help me:
The resolution was simple, I checked my SPN records by typing the command:
setspn -L SSO-ABAP-<SID>
And I got an expected error:
FindDomainForAccount: Call to DsGetDcNameWithAccountW failed with return value 0x00000525. Could not find account SSO-ABAP-<SID>.
The answer is: Check your technical account that is used for SAP Kerberos SSO. It might be locked in MS Active Directory.
In my case, this account was simply locked by AD security script.
Time and cause
“Time is the rotation of the cause around the effect”
Nikolai Kozyrev.
Tunnelblick error: The installation or repair took too long or failed. Try again?
Thanks to Mr. Mike Taylor:
sudo su
cd /Library/Application\ Support/
mkdir Tunnelblick
chown root:wheel /Library/Application\ Support/Tunnelblick/
And try to restart the installation again.
For US Green Card holders. Do I need to carry my green card with me?
According to Section 264(e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (I.N.A.) – YES, YOU MUST.

SAPSPRINT stopped printing all documents
Ensure you didn’t check the box “Save output as file”, thinking it sends a copy to a file. In fact, it redirects all printing to a file, despite the fact you are able to see in the Windows print spooler: “Printed successfully”.
By the way, with the release of 7.6 SAPPDRPRINT is no longer needed, it became a part of SAPSPRINT with the new engine ASPOSE PDF.