You run FIORI Mass Maintenance tile and got unexpected results, such as hudge and unwanted range of edited documents. How to figure out what data you used in the selection screen of the FIORI tile?
Running Fiori Mass Maintenance tile creates a job in SM37, however the job doesn’t contain used variant. Actually it’s just not visible.
Getting actual variant name:
- Catch using time stamps and determine the job name for the executed program MM_POMASS_UPDATE. Even FIORI uses this program for mass changes
- Verify that you can’t see the variant name there
- Run SE16n > table APJ_D_JOB_EXE. Use the determined job name
- Get the variant name in the field “Variant name”
You won’t believe how much time it took to identify that table. Thanks Vladimir for conducting this exploration!
Determining which data (selection screen variant data) was used:
- Use the report name MM_POMASS_UPDATE, determined variant name , move_or_rewrite = W. Execute the FM.
- Find VALUTAB table in the results of the FM execution. You should see plenty of entries.
- Press on the data icon of the table. As you can see, the variant starts with “!”, it’s used to hide it in SM37:
- You should see a table with all parameters. Selname = PF_EBELN wil reveal the filter data that was used for the tile processing:

- There is an additional inclusion of documents, it works in addition to the main (upper) filter.
Field P_INCLSN. Check it too. Obviously, the both parameters work in the filter if both are used:

The problem is that if we use the following filter, we will not be able to see “*45”:

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