Server side:
niping -s -I 0

Client side:

Measuring throughput
niping -c -H <nipingsvr> -B 100000

Measuring RTT
niping -c -H <nipingsvr> -B 1 -L 100

Long LAN stability test:
niping -c -H <nipingsvr> -B 10000 -D 100 -L 360000

Long WAN test (stability):
niping -c -H <nipingsvr> -B 200 -D 1000 -L 36000

Long WAN test (idle timeouts):
niping -c -H <nipingsvr> -P -D 3600000

Short throughput/stability test:
niping -c -H <nipingsvr> -B 1000000 -L 100

MTU test:
niping -c -H <nipingsvr> -B <nnn>

Vary <nnn> according to these values: 500, 1000, 1400, 1500, 4000, 10000 and 40000

Setting up an SNC tunnel for SAPRouter

Let’s say you need to configure SAPRouter with SNC for remote users, for example, people from another office.

Download and unpack saprouter (sapcar -xvf) and the crypto library to, for example, C:\saprouter.

Let’s write the environment variables (example):



Next, we will create certificates and exchange them:
Attention, names are CASE SENSITIVE ! CN in this case is the HOST NAME (it also works using a short name, without a domain). However, CN can be anything and does not coincide with the machine name, but is used for ease of understanding.
Initiator’s side:

sapgenpse get_pse -v -noreq -p local.pse “CN=spb-initiator”
sapgenpse seclogin -p local.pse
sapgenpse export_own_cert -o spb-initiator.cer -p local.pse

Acceptor side:

sapgenpse get_pse -v -noreq -p local.pse “CN=msk-acceptor”
sapgenpse seclogin -p local.pse
sapgenpse export_own_cert -o msk-acceptor.cer -p local.pse

Let’s exchange certificates and write them to the directory C:\saprouter\nt-x86_64

On the initiator side we will place the file  msk-acceptor.cer ,  on the acceptor side we will place the file  spb-initiator.cer

Let’s execute the command on the initiator’s side:

sapgenpse maintain_pk -a msk-acceptor.cer -p local.pse

And on the acceptor side:

sapgenpse maintain_pk -a spb-initiator.cer -p local.pse

saproutetab settings:


# Allow Outbound connections to SAProuter host2 will use SNC
KT “p:CN=msk-acceptor” <acceptor IP> 3299

# Allow all inbound connections
P * * *


# accept incoming connections from SAProuter1
# with destination sapdp00 and 3298 on any host
KP “p:CN=spb-initiator” * sapdp00
KP “p:CN=spb-initiator” * 3298

Starting saprouter:


Saprouter -r -K p:CN=spb-initiator


Saprouter -r -K p:CN=msk-acceptor


/H/<IP of the initiator>/H/<IP of the acceptor>/H/



niping -c -H /H/<IP of the initiator>/S/3299/H/<IP of the acceptor>/S/3299/H/<IP of the acceptor>


niping -s

We receive a message like:

connect to server o.k.
send and receive 10 messages (len 1000)

——- times —–
avg 12.900 ms
max 13.548 ms
min 12.631 ms
tr 151.405 kB/s
excluding max and min:
av2 12.853 ms
tr2 151.963 kB/s

If not, read the file dev_rout. If the program complains about SNC, you have confused something with the certificates, most likely you have confused the initiator, acceptor and who is waiting for which certificate.

If it complains about route permition denied, check saproutetab, apparently you specified the wrong IP. Perhaps the sapdp00 port is not described in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\services .

Saprouters can be combined; the most common topology is a star: one acceptor and many initiators.

Problem: a person from the region comes on a business trip with the saprouter line written to the central office. Because of this line here, he begins to walk in a loop to his region and back here.

Solution: create another guest saprouter. In DNS, name the host everywhere in the regions, for example, saprouter. A guest saprouter is also called a saprouter. That. an employee in his home region and on a business trip will go through support providers, only in one case through the region-central office channel, in the other – between two local support providers of the central office.

SCN Instruction:

Prohibition of request transfers through the transport system

If you need in SAP to prohibit the transfer of requests from the DEV system further along the transport landscape, you can create a file for this:

  • /usr/sap/trans/bin/T_OFF.ALL to block all systems or
  • /usr/sap/trans/bin/T_OFF.ER2 to block to a specific system.

The contents of the file will be displayed during the attempt (unsuccessful) to release the request in the development system.

SAP for Java (MacOS). Login without password.

I would like to use, of course, SSO 3 for MacOS, but..

In SAP GUI for JAVA (MacOS), you can create a shortcut and save your login and password.
It’s convenient to drag it into the dock for a quick start:

  1. Right-click in the SAP GUI on the desired system > Save Connection Data as Document, save it somewhere
  2. Find this file and open it with a text editor
  3. Add data to the connection string (enter your user= and pass=):
  4. Save, drag the file to the dock on the right side
    It is not safe to store passwords in clear text, but if you really need to, you can.

For security, encrypt the disk by enabling FileVault.