SAP Modules

IS-CWMIndustry Solution Catch Weight Management
ACAccounting – General
APApplication Platform
BCBasis Components
BWSAP Business Information Warehouse
CACross-Application Components
CSCustomer Service
ECEnterprise Controlling
EPEnterprise Portal
FIFinancial Accounting
FSFinancial Services
IMInvestment Management
IS-AIndustry Solution Automotive
IS-ADAerospace & Defence Industry Solution
IS-BBank Components
IS-ECIndustry Solution Engineering&Construction
IS-HSAP Healthcare – Industry-Specific Components for Hospitals
IS-HER-CMCampus Management
IS-HMEDClinical System
IS-HTIndustry Solution High Tech
IS-MINIndustry-Specific Component-Mining
IS-MPMill Products Industry Solution
IS-OILIndustry Solution Oil
IS-PS-CAPublic Sector Contract Accounting
IS-TIndustry Solution – Telecommunications
IS-USAP Utilities
KMKnowledge Management
LELogistics Execution
LOLogistics – General
MDMSAP NetWeaver Master Data Management
MMMaterials Management
PAPersonnel Management
PETraining and Event Management
PLMProduct Lifecycle Management
PMPlant Maintenance
PPProduction Planning and Control
PSProject System
PSMPublic Sector Management
PTPersonnel Time Management
QMQuality Management
REReal Estate Management
SCMSupply Chain Management
SDSales and Distribution
XAPCollaborative Cross Applications

ACAccounting General
       AC-COBCoding Block
     AC-INTAccounting Interface
AIEAuto-ID Enterprise
     AIE-OERObject Event Repository
APApplication Platform
     AP-AMActivity Management
     AP-BFPBalance Of Foreign Payment Management
     AP-BPBusiness Partner Data Management
     AP-BPFBusiness Plan Foundation
       AP-BTLGLO – Business Transaction Legal Authorization
     AP-CASCash Management
     AP-CCMCatalog Content Management
     AP-CCPCustomer Contract Processing
     AP-CFGProduct Configuration
     AP-CICustomer Invoice Processing
     AP-CMPCompensation Management
     AP-CPGCampaign Processing
     AP-CPICustomer Project Invoice Preparation
     AP-CPSCustomer Problem and Solution Administration
     AP-CQPCustomer Quote Processing
     AP-CRCustomer Requirement Processing
     AP-CRACustomer Relationship Auxiliaries Processing
     AP-CRPCustomer Return Processing
     AP-CSMCustomer Service Master Data Management
     AP-CUSCustoms Processing
     AP-DFPDemand Forecast Processing
     AP-DFVData Flow Verification
     AP-DPDemand Planning
     AP-DRMData Replication Management
     AP-DUEDue Item Processing
     AP-ECPEngineering Change Processing
     AP-EPAHCM Employee Payroll Administration
     AP-EPTExternal Procurement Trigger and Response
     AP-ERCEmployer Regulatory Compliance
     AP-ERMExpense and Reimbursement Management
     AP-EXPNew Component: Please use AP-ERM instead
     AP-FMDFinancial Accounting Masterdata Management
     AP-FRPFreight Documents Processing
     AP-GSPGoods and Service Acknowledgement
     AP-GTPGoods Tag Processing
     AP-HMDHCM Master Data
     AP-IBAInstalled Base Data Management
     AP-IDPInbound Delivery Processing
     AP-IMDInspection Master Data Management
     AP-IPInventory Processing
     AP-LASLogistics Area and Storage Management
     AP-LDMLocation Data Management
     AP-LECLogistics Execution Control
     AP-LIMLogistics Inventory Mangement Engine
     AP-LMLifecycle Management
     AP-LOCLogistics Control
     AP-LPLead Processing
     AP-LSALogistics Shift Administration
     AP-LTMLogistics Task Management
     AP-LUDLogistic Unit Data Management
     AP-MDMaster Data
     AP-MDDMigration Data Dispatching
     AP-MIPMaterial Inspection Processing
     AP-ODCCash OnDemand
     AP-ODPOutbound Delivery Processing
     AP-OMOrganisational Management
     AP-OPOpportunity Processing
     AP-PAPersonnel Administration
     AP-PAYPayment Processing
     AP-PCPPurchasing Contract Processing
     AP-PEFProduct Engineering Foundation
     AP-PIPPhysical Inventory Processing
     AP-PLAProduction and Site Logistics Auxiliaries Processing
     AP-PMDPrice Master Data Management
     AP-PMMProduction Model Management
     AP-POPPurchase Order Processing
     AP-POSPoint-of-Sale Transaction Processing
     AP-PPEIntegrated Product and Process Engineering
     AP-PRCPricing and Condition Technique
     AP-PRDProduct Data Maintenance
     AP-PROProject Processing
     AP-PRPPurchase Request Processing
     AP-PSPublic Sector
     AP-PTRProduction Trigger and Response
     AP-PYPHCM Payroll Processing
     AP-RCReuse Components
     AP-RDMResource Data Management
     AP-REQInternal Request Processing
     AP-RFIRFI Processing
     AP-RFQRFQ Processing
     AP-RSMRequirement Specification Management
     AP-RTSReturn To Supplier
     AP-SCOService Confirmation Processing
     AP-SDMSupply and Demand Matching
     AP-SIPSupplier Invoice Processing
     AP-SLOSales Order Processing
     AP-SLPSite Logistics Processing
     AP-SMMSite Logistics Model Management
     AP-SPSales Planning
     AP-SPASupplier Performance Assessment
     AP-SRMCross-DU Objects of AP SRM
     AP-SRPService Request Processing
     AP-SSRSAP Support Request Processing
     AP-SVOService Order Processing
     AP-TIMTime and Labour Management
     AP-TTETax Engine
     AP-WMEWarehousing and Manufacturing Execution
     AP-XBPBusiness Planning
     AP-XCICustomer Invoicing
     AP-XCRCustomer Relationship Management
     AP-XHCHuman Capital Management
     AP-XPECustom Specific Development
     AP-XPRProject Management
     AP-XPSProduction and Site Logistics
     AP-XPYHCM Payroll
     AP-XSCSupply Chain Control
BCBasis Components
     BC-ABAABAP Runtime Environment
     BC-ACAdaptive Computing – Please use sub-components
     BC-ACDWide Area Networks (WAN) Acceleration – AccAD
     BC-BMTBusiness Management
       BC-BNMBusiness Network Management
       BC-BSPBusiness Server Pages
     BC-BWBW Service API
     BC-CCMPlease use subcomponents
       BC-CEComposition Environment
     BC-CFGBusiness Configuration Tools – BusinessByDesign
     BC-CIPlease read SAP Note 524995
     BC-CSTClient/Server Technology
     BC-CTSChange and Transport System
     BC-DBDatabase Interface, Database Platforms
     BC-DOCDocumentation and Translation Tools
     BC-DWBABAP Workbench, Java IDE and Infrastructure
     BC-ECMEnterprise Content Management (ECM)
     BC-EHPEnhancement Package
     BC-EIMEnterprise Info-Mgmt – Please use subcomponents
     BC-ESIEnterprise Service Infrastructure
     BC-FESFrontend Services – use subcomponents (see note 1322184)
     BC-GPGuided Procedures
     BC-HANRenamed – please use subcomponents of HAN
     BC-I18Internationalization (I18N)
     BC-IAMIdentity and Access Management – Please use subcomponents
       BC-IDMPlease use BC-IAM-IDM instead
     BC-ILMInformation Lifecycle Management
     BC-INSInstallation Tools
     BC-JASJava Application Server – Please use sub-components
     BC-JVMSAP Java Virtual Machine
     BC-LVMLLVM Compiler Infrastructure
     BC-MOBSAP NetWeaver Mobile – Please use subcomponents
     BC-MUSMusing Tools
     BC-NEONEO – Please use subcomponents
       BC-NETNetwork Infrastructure
     BC-NWAPlease use sub-components
     BC-OPOperating System Platforms
     BC-PERSAP Screen Personas
     BC-PINEnterprise Portal Plugin
     BC-RIARich Internet Application Infrastructure
       BC-SAPlease use BC-DWB-JAV-SA
     BC-SRVBasis Services/Communication Interfaces
     BC-SYBSybase Products
     BC-TLMTenant Lifecycle Management
       BC-TRLSAP NetWeaver Translation: Technical Issues
     BC-TWBTest Workbench
     BC-UPGUpgrade – general
     BC-VCMVirtualization / Cloud Management
     BC-VMCVirtual Machine Container
     BC-WDWeb Dynpro
     BC-XIPlease use a sub-component
BIBusiness intelligence solutions
     BI-BETABusiness intelligence beta programs
     BI-BIPBusiness intelligence platform
       BI-CVMCommon Visualization Object Model
     BI-DDData Discovery
     BI-DEVBusiness Intelligence Software Development Kits (SDKs)
     BI-EDUBusiness intelligence education products
     BI-LUMSAP Lumira Branded Products
     BI-ODOnDemand offerings
     BI-PRJSelf Service BI on HANA
     BI-RAReporting, analysis, and dashboards
BNSBusiness Network Solutions
     BNS-ARIBusiness Network Solution Ariba
     BNS-POCProduct Operations Crossgate for SAP Cloud
     BNS-SIISAP Information Interchange
BWSAP Business Information Warehouse
     BW-AAOPlease use BI-RA-AO*
     BW-BCTBusiness Content and Extractors
     BW-BEXBusiness Explorer
     BW-EIEnhanced Infrastructure
       BW-MTModeling Tools (Eclipse)
     BW-RUIBW Integration of Reporting User Interfaces
     BW-SMASmart Meter Analytics for Utilities
     BW-SYSBasis System and Installation
     BW-WHMData Warehouse Management
CACross-Application Components
     CA-ACPlease use component BC-AC
     CA-ANWSAP Anywhere
     CA-ARApprove Requests Application
       CA-AUDAudit Management
       CA-BFABusiness Framework Architecture
     CA-BPLBusiness Process Library
     CA-CADCAD Integration
     CA-CEIplease use component CEC-MKT-CEI
       CA-COLCommon Object Layer
     CA-CPDCommercial Project Management
     CA-DDFDemand Data Foundation
       CA-DECDecision Service Management
     CA-DMFDemand Management Foundation
     CA-DMSDocument management
       CA-DSGDigital Signature
     CA-DSMDemand Signal Management (DSiM)
     CA-EBDSAP Connector to ANSER
       CA-EMAEnhanced Message Analysis
     CA-EPCEnterprise Project Connection
     CA-EPTProcesses and Tools for Enterprise Applications
     CA-ESSEmployee Self-Service
     CA-EUREuropean Monetary Union – Euro
     CA-FIMFinancial Mathematics
     CA-FSFinancial Services
       CA-GBTGlobal Batch Traceability
     CA-GTFGeneral Application Functions
     CA-HCOHANA Content
       CA-HRCross-Application objects in HR
     CA-IAMIssue & Activity Management
     CA-INBFiori UI for My Inbox Application
     CA-JVAJoint Venture and Production Sharing Accounting
       CA-KAKnowledge Acceleration
       CA-KPIKPI Cockpit
     CA-LTLandscape Transformation
     CA-LTRLT Replication Server
     CA-MBAMobile Business
     CA-MDGMaster Data Governance
       CA-MONProcess Monitoring Tool
     CA-MRSMulti-Resource Scheduling
     CA-MSSManager Self-service
       CA-OIWOpen Information Warehouse
       CA-PCWProject Cost Planning Workbench
       CA-QIEQuality Inspection Engine
     CA-RTCross Applications for Retail
     CA-SOAEnterprise SOA
       CA-SURWeb Survey
     CA-TDMTest Data Migration Server (SAP TDMS)
     CA-TSTime Sheet
     CA-UI2SAP UI Integration
     CA-UI5SAP UI development toolkit for HTML5 – SAP UI5
       CA-UPSUser Productivity Services on Demand
     CA-VESAP Visual Enterprise
     CA-WDESAP Web Development Environment [SAP Web IDE]
     CA-WUIWebClient UI
CAFComposite Application Framework/ Please use – BC-DWB-JAV-CAF
       CAF-MMRPlease use component BC-DWB-JAV-MMR
CECCustomer Engagement and Commerce
CFMPlease use component FIN-FSCM-TRM!
     CFM-ANPlease use component FIN-FSCM-TRM-AN!
     CFM-BFPlease use component FIN-FSCM-TRM-BF!
     CFM-CRPlease use component FIN-FSCM-TRM-CR!
       CFM-IHPlease use component FIN-FSCM-IHC!
       CFM-LPPlease use component FIN-FSCM-LP!
     CFM-MRPlease use component FIN-FSCM-TRM-MR!
       CFM-PAPlease use component FIN-FSCM-TRM-PA!
     CFM-TMPlease use component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM!
       CO-FIOFiori UI for Overhead Cost Controlling
     CO-OMOverhead Cost Controlling
     CO-PAProfitability Analysis
     CO-PCProduct Cost Controlling
   CPMPlease use component tree under EPM instead
CRMCustomer Relationship Management
     CRM-ACEAccess Control Engine
     CRM-ACPAccount Planning
     CRM-ANACRM Analytics
       CRM-AUDAudit Management (CRM connection)
     CRM-BCMPlease use CRM-CCI
     CRM-BFBasic Functions
     CRM-BTXBusiness Transactions
       CRM-CCIContact Center Infrastructure
     CRM-CECCollaborative E-Care
     CRM-CHMChannel Management
     CRM-CICInteraction Center WinClient
     CRM-CLAClaims Management
       CRM-CMCase Management
       CRM-CODIntegration CRM On-Premise – On-Demand
     CRM-EMEntitlement Management
       CRM-FCACRM Integration to ERP Invoicing to Contract Accounting
     CRM-FIOFiori UI for Customer Relationship Management
     CRM-FMFunds Management
     CRM-FRWPlease use CA-WUI instead
     CRM-GOLPlease use CA-WUI-GOL instead
       CRM-HHHandheld-> ‘Open CSS under XAP-MBA-MSE or XAP-MBA-MSA’
     CRM-IAFApparel & Footwear
     CRM-ICInteraction Center WebClient
     CRM-ICMIncentives and Commission Management
     CRM-IFSFinancial Services
     CRM-IHTHigh Tech
     CRM-IPCInternet Pricing and Configurator
     CRM-IPSPublic Sector
     CRM-ISAInternet Sales
     CRM-ISEInternet Service
       CRM-ISHCRM integration with IS-H
     CRM-ITTTravel & Transportation
     CRM-IUUtilities Industry
       CRM-MCMMultiple CRM scenario
     CRM-MDMaster Data
     CRM-MEPMulti-system Exchange Projects
     CRM-MSAMobile Sales
     CRM-MSEMobile Service
     CRM-MSPMobile Smartphone
     CRM-MTMobile Technology
     CRM-PCCPeople-Centric CRM (CRM Portal Content)
     CRM-PCFPeople Centric UI Framework
     CRM-RBRebate Processing
     CRM-RECRM Integration with Flexible Real Estate Management
     CRM-RPLResource Planning for Personnel Resources
       CRM-RTDReal Time Offer Management
       CRM-SLCSolution Sales Configuration
       CRM-WAWaste Management
     CRM-WFDWorkforce Deployment
CSCustomer Service (formerly: PM-SM)
     CS-AGService Agreements
     CS-BDBasic Data
     CS-BSService Billing and Settlement
     CS-CICustomer Interaction
     CS-CMCall Management
       CS-ESEnterprise Services in Customer Service
     CS-IBInstalled Base Management
     CS-ISInformation System
     CS-SEService Execution
ECEnterprise Controlling
     EC-BPBusiness Planning
     EC-CSLegal Consolidation
     EC-EISExecutive Information System
     EC-PCAProfit Center Accounting
EHSEnvironment, Health and Safety
     EHS-ANAEHS Analytics
     EHS-BDBasic Data and Tools
     EHS-CFPEnvironmental Compliance for Products
     EHS-CNVConnected Vehicle
     EHS-CVSSAP Connected Vehicle Solution
     EHS-DGPDangerous Goods Management
     EHS-EEMEnergy & Environmental Management on HANA
     EHS-ERCEHS: Regulatory Content
     EHS-ERDEHS Regulatory Documentation
     EHS-HEAOccupational Health
     EHS-HSMHazardous Substance Management
     EHS-IHSIndustrial Hygiene and Safety
     EHS-MGMSAP EHS Management
     EHS-ODEHS On Demand (in SAP Portal)
     EHS-SAFProduct Safety
     EHS-SRCSAP Product and REACH Compliance
     EHS-WAWaste Management
EIMEnterprise information management solutions
       EIM-COMDeskTop Mailer, Business Edition, Presort, Printform, Labels
       EIM-CORACE, DataRight IQ, Match/Consolidate, IACE, FirstPrep
       EIM-DFData Federator
       EIM-DIData Integrator, Composer
     EIM-DQData Quality
     EIM-DQMData Quality Management
     EIM-DSData Services
       EIM-HCISAP HANA Cloud Integration (Data Services)
     EIM-ISInformation Steward
       EIM-MMMetadata Management
     EIM-PDHPurisma Data Hub
       EIM-RMARapid Marts, BOW
       EIM-TAText Analysis
EPEnterprise Portal
     EP-AADPlease use BC-ACD
     EP-BCBase Components
     EP-CONConnector Framework Infrastructure
       EP-DOCPortal Documentation
       EP-EP5Limited support for Enterprise Portal version 5
       EP-EP6Enterprise Portal 6 SP2
     EP-EWPEnterprise Workspaces On Premise
     EP-HANPlease use HAN-STD-DEV-UIS
     EP-KITPlease use EP-PIN
     EP-KMKnowledge Management and Collaboration
     EP-MDLPortal Modeling
     EP-ODSAP HANA Cloud Portal
     EP-PCTPortal Content
     EP-PDKPlease use sub-components
       EP-PIPlease use EP-PIN
     EP-PINSAP NetWeaver Portal
     EP-SYSPlease use EP-PIN
     EP-UCUnified Client
     EP-UNIPlease use EP-PIN-UNI
     EP-UPUser Productivity
     EP-VCVisual Composer
EPMEnterprise Performance Management
     EPM-ABMMetify ABM
     EPM-BFCFinancial Consolidations Finance
     EPM-BPCBusiness Planning and Consolidation
     EPM-DECData Enrichment and Classification
     EPM-DFADesign&Frontline applications
       EPM-DSEData cleansing
     EPM-DSMSAP BusinessObjects Disclosure Management
     EPM-EAExtended Analytics
     EPM-EBISAP ERP client for E-Bilanz
     EPM-FIMFinancial Information management
     EPM-IMEPM In Memory
     EPM-NMFinancial Notes Management
       EPM-ODSEPM products support with On Demand Services
     EPM-PCMProfitability and Cost Management, EPO, PP, AA, Metify
       EPM-PLABusiness Objects Planning
       EPM-PLXPlanning Extended
     EPM-PMEnterprise Performance Management powered by HANA
     EPM-SASpend Analytics
     EPM-SCPSupply Chain Performance Management
     EPM-SMStrategy Management
       EPM-SPASales Planning Accelerator
       EPM-XBRUBMatrix XBRL Publishing
     EPM-XLSEPM Excel Client
FIFinancial Accounting
     FI-AAAsset Accounting
     FI-AFAdditional Functions
     FI-APAccounts Payable
     FI-ARAccounts Receivable
     FI-BLBank-Related Accounting
     FI-CAContract Accounts Receivable and Payable
     FI-CAXNon-industry specific contract accounts receivable, payable
     FI-FIOFiori UI for Financial Accounting
     FI-FMFunds management
     FI-GLGeneral Ledger Accounting
     FI-LALease Accounting Engine
     FI-LCLegal Consolidation
       FI-LOCLocalization -> XX-CSC-ii (ii: ISO country Code)
     FI-RARevenue Accounting
       FI-RLRetail Ledger
       FI-RRURegulatory Reporting for Utility Companies
     FI-SLSpecial Purpose Ledger
     FI-TVBusiness Trip Management
       FIN-BABusiness Analytics
     FIN-BACBusiness Accounting
       FIN-CFCash Forecasting on HANA
     FIN-CGVCorporate Governance
       FIN-COLCollections Insight on HANA
     FIN-DCMSAP Dynamic Cash Management on HANA
     FIN-FBFinancials Basis
     FIN-FIOFiori UI for Financials
     FIN-FSCMFinancial Supply Chain Management
     FIN-SEMStrategic Enterprise Management
     FIN-TMFTax Management Framework
FSFinancial Services
       FS-AIApplication Integration
     FS-AMAccount Management
     FS-BABank Analyzer
       FS-BPBusiness Partner
     FS-CACircular Authority
     FS-CDCollections and Disbursements
     FS-CMClaims Management
     FS-CMLConsumer and Mortgage Loans
     FS-CMSCollateral Management
     FS-CSPlease Use FS-ICM
     FS-CYTCapital Yield Tax Management
     FS-FBSFocused Business Solution
       FS-FIOFiori UI for Financial Services
     FS-IAInsurance Analyzer
       FS-ICMCommissions Management for Insurance Industry
       FS-IPWInsurance Portals & Workplaces
     FS-LMSLiquidity Management Suite
     FS-LOCLocalization of Banking
       FS-LRMLiquidity and Risk Management
     FS-MCMMaster Contract Management
     FS-MPMModules for the msg.PM Connection
       FS-PAMPayment Advice Management
     FS-PCOPosting Control Office
     FS-PEPayment Engine
       FS-PFOPortfolio Management for Insurance Industry
     FS-PMPolicy Management
       FS-PMAPolicy Management Auto
       FS-POPrice Optimization for Banking
       FS-PROProduct Management Insurance
       FS-QUOQuotation Management Insurance
       FS-RBDValue Adjustment
     FS-SRStatutory Reporting for Insurancies
       FS-TXSFunding Management
     FS-XACross Applications
GRCGovernance, Risk and Compliance
       GRC-ACPGRC Access Control Plug-In
       GRC-AUDGRC Audit Management
     GRC-BPCGRC Business Partner Compliance
       GRC-DGNDGN Adaptors for Access Control
     GRC-FRASAP Fraud Managment
       GRC-PCPGRC Process Control Plug-in
     GRC-RMGRC Risk Management
     GRC-SACSAP GRC Access Control – Please use sub-components
     GRC-SPCGRC Process Controls for SAP – Please use subcomponents
     GRC-SPMSustainability  Performance Management
     HAN-APPSAP HANA Native Applications
     HAN-ASSAP HANA Application Services
       HAN-ASESAP HANA Accelerator for SAP ASE
     HAN-CPTSAP HANA Cockpit
     HAN-DBSAP HANA Database
     HAN-DPSAP HANA Data Provisioning Services
       HAN-DYTSAP HANA Dynamic Tiering
       HAN-ICSAP HANA Information Composer
     HAN-LMSAP HANA Lifecycle Management
       HAN-SDSSAP HANA Smart Data Streaming
     HAN-STDSAP HANA Studio (Eclipse)
ICMIncentive and Commission Management (ICM)
       ICM-BRBusiness Reporting
     ICM-CIComponents & Solutions Integration
       ICM-COStandard Delivery, Pre-Configuration
       ICM-CRDCredentialing (CRD)
     ICM-ENGICM Engine & Packages (for Experts)
       ICM-MDBasic and Master Data
       ICM-MOModelling & Implementation
       ICM-PFOPortfolio Assignment (PFO)
     ICM-RUSBasics & Reuse (for Experts)
       ICM-TOTechnical Integration, Tools
       ICM-UIUser Interface, Portal, Roles and Authorization
IMInvestment Management
     IM-FASpec. investments
ISIndustry-Specific Components
     IS-AIndustry-Specific Component Automotive
     IS-ADECInd.-Spec.Comp. Aerospace&Defense / Engineering&Construction
     IS-AFSIndustry-Specific Component Apparel and Footwear
     IS-BIndustry-Specific Component Bank
     IS-BEVIndustry-Specific Component Beverage
       IS-CCConvergent Charging
       IS-CHNIndustry solution – Collaborative Health Network
     IS-CWMCatch Weight Management
     IS-DFSIndustry-Spec. Comp. Defense Forces and Public Security
     IS-DPIS Defense Procurement
       IS-DRYSAP Dairy Management by msg
     IS-HIndustry-Specific Component Hospital
     IS-HERIndustry-Specific Component Higher Education and Research
     IS-HHPHANA Healthcare Platform
     IS-HSSIndustry-Specific Component Hospitality Service System
     IS-HTIndustry-specific Component High Tech
     IS-MIndustry-Specific Component Media
       IS-MINIndustry-Specific Component Mining
     IS-MPIndustry-Specific Component Mill Products
     IS-OILIndustry-Specific Component Oil
     IS-PHAIndustry Solution for Pharmaceuticals
     IS-PRSdetailled sub-nodes should be used instead
     IS-PSIndustry-Specific Component Public Sector
       IS-PSIConvergent Pricing Simulation
     IS-RIndustry-Specific Component Retail
     IS-REARecycling Administration
     IS-SESports and Entertainment
       IS-SPIndustry-Specific Component Service Provider
     IS-TIndustry-Specific Component Telecommunications
     IS-UIndustry-Specific Component Utilities
ISPIndustrySpeak – B2B Processes based on Industry Standards
     ISP-CDXChemical Standard CIDX (TM)
     ISP-RNHigh Tech Standard RosettaNet
       ISP-STAAutomotive Standard STAR (TR)
KMSAP Knowledge Management
       KM-CBTComputer Based Training
     KM-DOCSAP Documentation (Content)
       KM-EXTSAP Knowledge Management Extensions (SAP internal only)
     KM-KWSAP Knowledge Warehouse
       KM-TRNSAP Training Materials (Content)
     KM-WPBWorkforce Performance Builder
LELogistics Execution
     LE-DSDDirect Store Delivery
       LE-FIOFiori UI for Shipping
     LE-IDWDecentralized WMS Integration
     LE-IEWExtended Warehouse Management Integration
     LE-MOBMobile Devices
       LE-TRMTask & Resource Management
       LE-TSWTrader’s and Scheduler’s Workbench
     LE-WMWarehouse Management
       LE-YMYard Management
LOLogistics – General
     LO-ABAgency Business (Global Trade)
       LO-ADMAdditionals Management
     LO-AGRSAP Agricultural Contract Management
     LO-ARMAdvanced Returns Management
     LO-BMBatch Management
       LO-BSLMBulk Secondary Logistics Management
     LO-CEPCollaborative Engineering und Project Management
       LO-CMConfiguration Management
     LO-CMMCommodity Management in Logistics
     LO-ECHEngineering Change Management
       LO-ELRElectronic Records
       LO-EWBEngineering Workbench
     LO-FSHMultichannel Fashion
     LO-GENGeneric Cross Application Components
     LO-GTGlobal Trade
     LO-HUHandling Unit Management
     LO-INTERP Logistic Integration
     LO-LISLogistics Information System
       LO-MAPMerchandise and Assortment Planning
     LO-MDLogistics Basic Data
     LO-MDSMerchandise Distribution
     LO-PDMProduct Data Management
     LO-PRPlease use component LO-LIS-PLN or PP-MP-MFC
       LO-RISRetail Information System (RIS)
       LO-S95ANSI/ISA S95 Interface
     LO-SCISupply Chain Planning Interface (SCPI)
       LO-SLCSolution Configuration
     LO-SPMService Parts Management
     LO-SRSSAP Retail Store
       LO-SUBArticle Substitution
     LO-VCVariant Configuration
       LO-WTYWarranty Claim Processing
     LOD-BTBusiness Transparency
       LOD-CASCash On Demand
     LOD-CGOperations issues related to Crossgate Integration Services
     LOD-CISAP Carbon Impact
     LOD-CRMCloud for Customer
     LOD-DCAIssues related to SAP Cloud DCSA solution
     LOD-ECEmployee Central
     LOD-ESOSourcing OnDemand
     LOD-FINFinancials on Demand
     LOD-FSNFinancial Services Network
     LOD-GBIGlobal Business Incubator Initiatives
     LOD-HAPHANA Application Platform
     LOD-HCIHANA Cloud Integration
     LOD-HCMHuman Capital Management OnDemand
     LOD-INTByD-ERP Integration Scenarios
       LOD-IOTInternet of Things
     LOD-LELarge Enterprise
       LOD-PAYOn Demand Payment
     LOD-PDMPredictive Maintenance and Service Cloud Edition
     LOD-PSOProduct Stewardship OnDemand
     LOD-RVRRiver Platform
     LOD-SCLSAP Connected Logistics
     LOD-SFCloud HCM
       LOD-SINSAP Supplier InfoNet
       LOD-SMSocial MeetUp by SAP/Networking Lunch
       LOD-SPGSAP Precision Gaming
       LOD-SPRSAP Precision Retailing
     LOD-TEMCloud for Travel and Expense
     LOD-TGTwoGo by SAP
       LOD-TSSAP Translation Service
   MBAAll components under XAP-MBA*
MDMSAP NetWeaver Master Data Management
       MDM-CLTClient System Adapter
     MDM-FNMaster Data Management Foundation
       MDM-GDSGlobal Data Synchronization
       MDM-GSMDM 3.0 Issues
     MDM-MDMaster Data Objects
MFGSAP Manufacturing
     MFG-CAMComplex Assembly Manufacturing Solution
     MFG-CDSCAMS for Defense & Security
       MFG-LPOSAP Lean Planning and Operation
     MFG-MESAP Manufacturing Execution
     MFG-MIISAP Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence
       MFG-MPMManufacturing Performance Management
       MFG-PCOSAP Plant Connectivity
MMMaterials Management
     MM-CBPConsumption-Based Planning
     MM-EDIElectronic Data Interchange
     MM-FIOFiori UI for Materials Management
     MM-FTForeign Trade
     MM-IMInventory Management
     MM-ISInformation System
     MM-IVInvoice Verification
     MM-SRVServices Management
MOBBusiness Mobile
     MOB-APPMobile Applications
     MOB-CLDSAP Mobile Cloud SAP Mobile Platform Cloud
     MOB-DOEMobile: Data Orchestration Engine
       MOB-FCSAP Fiori Client Native Mobile Application
       MOB-OBRMobile Office / Onebridge
     MOB-ONPSAP Mobile Platform on Premise
       MOB-RWSMobility – Remoteware
     MOB-SDKSAP Mobile SDK
     MOB-SECMobile Secure Portfolio (Cloud) incl Afaria Cloud Edition
     MOB-SUPSybase Unwired Platform
     MOB-SYCSyclo Mobility
     MOB-UIAUI5 Content Marketplace – Please use component XX-SER-SAPSMP
OPUOccasional Platform User
       OPU-APISAP API Management
     OPU-BSCGateway Business Suite Content
     OPU-BSEGateway Business Suite Enablement
       OPU-BSSGateway Business Suite Screen scraping
     OPU-COMCommon for all OPU products
       OPU-PFOPU Platform common
     OPU-TNGDuet Enterprise
PAPersonnel Management
       PA-ASHR Processes&Forms
       PA-CEConcurrent Employment – Personnel Management
     PA-CMCompensation Management
       PA-CPPersonnel Cost Planning and Simulation
     PA-ECEnterprise Compensation Management
       PA-EICEmployee Interaction Center
     PA-ESSPersonal Information ESS scenarios
       PA-FIOFiori UI for Personal Administration
       PA-GEManagement of Global Employees
       PA-ISPersonnel Information Systems
       PA-MAHR Manager’s Desktop
     PA-OSOrganizational Plan
     PA-PAPersonnel Administration
     PA-PAOHR Renewal (Personnel & Organization)
     PA-PDPersonnel Development
     PA-PFPension Schemes
     PA-PMFunds and Position Management
     PA-SFIIntegration with SuccessFactors BizX
       PA-TMTalent Management
       PA-VDMVirtual Data Model in HCM
     PA-XFExpert Finder
PETraining and Event Management
     PE-DADay-to-Day Activities
     PE-LSOSAP Learning Solution
     PE-LSXExternal Learning Solution
       PE-OFBusiness Event Catalog
     PE-PRTraining and Event Preparation
       PE-RARecurring Activities
       PE-REInformation Menu
       PE-RPLRoom Reservations Management
     PE-TNMplease use PA-PA-FR-TNM
PLMProduct Lifecycle Management
       PLM-CFOCollaboration Folders
       PLM-CPRPlease use Component PPM-PRO
     PLM-ECCSAP Engineering Control Center (SAP ECTR)
     PLM-FIOFiori UI for Product Lifecycle Management
       PLM-INMInnovation Management
       PLM-PLCProduct Lifecycle Costing
     PLM-PPMProduct and Process Modelling
     PLM-RMRecipe Management
       PLM-VMPVisual Manufacturing Planner
     PLM-WUIPLM Web User Interface
PMPlant Maintenance
       PM-AVAsset Viewer
     PM-EQMEquipment and Technical Objects
       PM-ESEnterprise Services in Plant Maintenance
       PM-FIOFiori UI for Equipment
     PM-ISInformation System
     PM-LOCCountry-specific developments
     PM-PRMPreventive Maintenance
     PM-PROMaintenance Projects
     PM-WCMWork clearance management
     PM-WOCMaintenance Order Management
PPProduction Planning and Control
     PP-ATOAssembly Processing
     PP-BDBasic Data
     PP-CRPCapacity Planning
       PP-ESEnterprise Services
     PP-FIOFiori UI for Production Planning and Control
     PP-FLWFlow Manufacturing
     PP-ISInformation System
       PP-MESIntegration with Manufacturing Execution Systems
     PP-MPMaster Planning
     PP-MRPMaterial Requirements Planning
     PP-PDCPlant Data Collection
     PP-PIProduction Planning for Process Industries
     PP-PNProduction Network
     PP-REMRepetitive Manufacturing
     PP-SFCProduction Orders
     PP-SOPSales & Operations Planning
PPMPortfolio and Project Management
     PPM-CFCommon Functions
       PPM-FIOFiori UI for Portfolio and Project Management
     PPM-PFMPortfolio Management
     PPM-PROProject Management
PSProject System
       PS-CLMClaim Management
       PS-FIOFiori UI for Information System
     PS-HLPHandling Large Projects
     PS-ISInformation System
     PS-REVRevenues and Eamings
       PS-WFLSAP Business Workflow Connection
PSMPublic Sector Management
       PSM-ECExpenditure Certification
     PSM-FAFund Accounting
     PSM-FGFederal Government Functions
     PSM-FMFunds Management
     PSM-GMGrants Management
     PSM-GPRProcurement for Public Sector
     PSM-PSOPublic Services Online
PTPersonnel Time Management
       PT-CEConcurrent Employment – Personnel Time Management
     PT-EVTime Evaluation
     PT-INIntegration with other Applications
       PT-ISInformation System
     PT-MOBMobile Applications
     PT-RCTime Data Recording and Management
       PT-SOAEnterprise Services – Personnel Time Management
     PT-SPShift Planning
       PT-WSWork Schedule
     PY-AEUnited Arab Emirates
       PY-CZCzech Republic
     PY-GBUnited Kingdom
       PY-HKHong Kong
       PY-KRSouth Korea
       PY-KWKuwait Payroll
       PY-NPOPayroll for Non-Profit-Organisationen (INTPSO)
       PY-NZNew Zealand
     PY-QAState of Qatar
       PY-RUPayroll Accounting: Russia
     PY-SAKingdom of Saudi Arabia
     PY-SFIIntegration mit SuccessFactors BizX
     PY-XXPayroll: General Parts
     PY-ZASouth Africa
QMQuality Management
     QM-ADBAdobe Forms
     QM-CAQuality Certificates
       QM-ESEnterprise Services in Quality Management
       QM-FIOFiori UI for Quality Inspection
     QM-IMQuality Inspection
     QM-ITTest Equipment Management
     QM-PTQuality Planning
     QM-QCQuality Control
       QM-QIMPlease use CA-IAM-QIM
     QM-QNQuality Notifications
       QM-STStability Studies
REReal Estate Management
     RE-BDBasic Data
       RE-BPBusiness Partners
       RE-CFCash Flow
     RE-COReal Estate Controlling
     RE-FXFlexible Real Estate Management
     RE-ISInformation System
       RE-ITInput Tax Treatment
     RE-PRReal Estate General Contract
       RE-TPThird Party Management
SBOSAP Business One
     SBO-ADDSAP Business One Add-Ons
     SBO-BPBusiness Partners
     SBO-CLDSAP Business One Cloud
     SBO-CROCross Topics
       SBO-DTWData Transfer Workbench
     SBO-GENGeneral Functions
     SBO-HRHuman Resources
     SBO-ICOintercompany integration solution for SAP Business One
     SBO-IMCEIn-memory computing for SAP Business One
     SBO-INTSAP Business One integration
     SBO-MRPMaterial Requirements Planning
     SBO-PRESAP Business One Preview Program
     SBO-PURPurchasing – A/P
     SBO-RSPremote support platform for SAP Business One
     SBO-SAOSales Opportunities
     SBO-SDSales – A/R
     SBO-SDKSoftware Development Kit
     SBO-SHSAP Business One Self Help
     SBO-STUSAP Business One Studio
     SBO-TATTest Automation Tool
     SBO-WFSAP Business One Workflow
SCMSupply Chain Management
     SCM-APOAdvanced Planning and Optimization
     SCM-BASSCM Basis
     SCM-CASCM Cross Applications
     SCM-CTSupply Chain Control Tower
       SCM-EDSSAP Enterprise Demand Sensing
     SCM-EISSAP Enterprise Inventory and Service-Level Optimization
     SCM-EMEvent Management
     SCM-EWMExtended Warehouse Management
     SCM-FREForecasting and Replenishment
     SCM-IBPIntegrated Business Planning
     SCM-ICHSupply Network Collaboration
     SCM-INVInventory Optimization
     SCM-SCPSupply Chain Planning Platform
     SCM-SOPSales & Operations Planning
     SCM-TMTransportation Management (only for releases 6.0 & 7.0)
SDSales and Distribution
     SD-BFBasic Functions
     SD-CASSales Support
       SD-CHContract Handling (with active Extension EA-CP)
     SD-EDIElectronic Data Interchange
     SD-FIOFiori UI for Sales and Distribution
     SD-FTForeign Trade
     SD-HBAHANA based Analytics for Sales and Distribution (SD)
     SD-ISInformation System
     SD-MDMaster Data
     SD-POSPOS Interface
SLCSAP Supplier Lifecycle Management
       SLC-ACTActivity Management
       SLC-CATCategory Management
       SLC-CLSSupplier Classification
       SLC-EVLSupplier Evaluation
     SLC-KMSAP SLC Knowledge Management
       SLC-QUASupplier Qualification
       SLC-REGSupplier Registration
       SLC-SUPSupplier Data Management
SLLGlobal Trade Services / Logistics Services
     SLL-AESSAP Customs Processing for Automated Export Systems
       SLL-ECRElectronic Compliance Reporting
     SLL-LEGGlobal Trade Services GTS
       SLL-LOGMaintenance EPILOG
     SLL-NFENota Fiscal Electronica (NFe)
SRDAll-in-One / Service-enabled
     SRD-BCBusiness Solution Configuration
     SRD-CCCross Components
       SRD-CCSByD Service Center
     SRD-CRMCustomer Relationship Management
     SRD-HRHuman Resources
     SRD-MDMaster Data
     SRD-PLMProduct Lifecycle Management
     SRD-RCReuse Service Component ECO/ UI
     SRD-REFReference System
     SRD-SCMSupply Chain Management
     SRD-SRMSupplier Relationship Management
     SRD-TRLTranslation corrections
SRMSupplier Relationship Management
     SRM-BWSRM Analytics
     SRM-CMSRM Category Management
     SRM-CMTContent Management
     SRM-EBPPlease use subcomponents
     SRM-ESOSRM eSourcing (Frictionless -Please use subcomponents)
     SRM-FIOFiori UI for Supplier Relationship Management
     SRM-KMSRM Knowledge Management
     SRM-LALive Auction
     SRM-LOCLocalization – Country Versions
       SRM-ROSSupplier Registration
       SRM-SLCSupplier Lifecycle Management: SRM Integration
     SRM-SUSSupplier Self-Services
     SRM-UIASRM Usability Add-On
     SRM-XIExchange Infrastructure for SRM
     SV-ASAASAP (AcceleratedSAP) Methodology
     SV-BOBackoffice Service Delivery
     SV-COECenter of Excellence – Value Prototyping
     SV-ESSAP Enterprise Support
     SV-PERFPerformance Messages
     SV-RDSSAP Rapid Deployment solutions
     SV-SMBSAP for small and midsize businesses
     SV-SMGSAP Solution Manager
TMTransportation Management (no software transports)
     TM-BFBasic Functions
     TM-CFCross Functions
     TM-CPCollaboration Portal
     TM-ERPERP Logistics Integration
     TM-FRAFreight Agreement Management
     TM-FRMFreight Order Management
     TM-FRSFreight Settlement
     TM-FWAForwarding Agreement Management
     TM-FWMForwarding Order Management
     TM-FWSForwarding Settlement
     TM-MDMaster Data
       TM-TRPTransportation Resource Planning
     TR-CBCash Budget Management
     TR-CMCash Management
     TR-MRMRisk Management
     TR-TMTreasury Management
WECWeb Channel Experience Management
     WEC-APPWeb Channel Applications
     WEC-FRWWeb Channel Framework
     WEC-IFSWeb Channel Infrastructure
     WEC-ISWeb Channel Industry-Specific Components
       WEC-WCBWeb Channel Builder
     WEC-WCMWeb Content Management
WPObsolete product: Workplace
     WP-DRDrag & Relate
     WP-FRMWorkplace Frontend / Middleware
       WP-PLIPlease use EP-PI
     WP-WSRWorkplace Server
       WP-XPExternal Community Portals
XAPCollaborative Cross Applications
       XAP-CQMCost and Quotation Management (SAP xCQM)
       XAP-DSDMobile Direct Store Delivery Addon
     XAP-EMEmissions Management (SAP xEM)
       XAP-EPMSAP EHS Environmental Performance Management
     XAP-ICIndustry Composite
       XAP-IEPIntegrated Exploration and Production (SAP xIEP)
       XAP-LELive Enterprise Project
       XAP-LPOPlease use the component MFG-LPO
     XAP-MBAMobile Business Applications
       XAP-MIIPlease use the components MFG-MII instead
     XAP-OCNOccasionally Connected Framework for .Net
       XAP-OSPPlease use the components under OPU*
       XAP-PDProduct Definition (SAP xPD)
       XAP-RPMPlease use Component PPM-PFM
     XAP-SBCPOA Shared Business Components
       XAP-SFService Flow (SAP xSF)
     XX-AIERequest Accelerated Innovation Enablement Service
     XX-AMSApplication Management Services
       XX-CCMCRequest Customer Code Maintainability Service
     XX-CSCCountry-Specific Developments
     XX-HECHana Enterprise Cloud
     XX-HSTApplication Hosting
     XX-INTFor internal SAP use only!
     XX-MJCMJC-Modification Justification Check
     XX-OSOpen Source Software
     XX-PARTPartner solutions
     XX-PEDProduct Engineer on Demand
       XX-PIR/3 Plug-in
     XX-PROJProject-based solutions
     XX-RCcomponent no longer valid, please refer to note 1642530
     XX-SERService Messages
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