SAP SSO trouble – Server does not trust my certificate path

G5S-API(maj): Miscellaneous failure
GSS-API(min): A2210223:Server does not trust my certificate path
target='p:CN=<SID>, OU=SAP-HEC, O= SAP SE, C=DE*
Error in SNC
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There is an SAP note for this problem, but it didn’t help me:

The resolution was simple, I checked my SPN records by typing the command:
setspn -L SSO-ABAP-<SID>

And I got an expected error:

FindDomainForAccount: Call to DsGetDcNameWithAccountW failed with return value 0x00000525. Could not find account SSO-ABAP-<SID>.

The answer is: Check your technical account that is used for SAP Kerberos SSO. It might be locked in MS Active Directory.

In my case, this account was simply locked by AD security script.

SAPSPRINT stopped printing all documents

Ensure you didn’t check the box “Save output as file”, thinking it sends a copy to a file. In fact, it redirects all printing to a file, despite the fact you are able to see in the Windows print spooler: “Printed successfully”.

By the way, with the release of 7.6 SAPPDRPRINT is no longer needed, it became a part of SAPSPRINT with the new engine ASPOSE PDF.

bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory

No memory on the host. You can’t even reboot the host due to a lack of memory.


Trigger OOM-killer by executing these commands:

echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq
echo f > /proc/sysrq-trigger
echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq

Yes, it’s bad, but sometimes you don’t have a choice…

The easiest way to remove Linux streams for SAP applications

su - <sidadm>
find /tmp -user $USER -name ".sapstream*" -exec rm {} + 

Linux streams refer to the concept of input/output (I/O) streams in the Linux operating system. In Linux, everything is treated as a file, including input and output devices. Streams are a way to handle data flow between these files and programs. Linux streams are categorized into three types: standard input (stdin), standard output (stdout), and standard error (stderr). These streams can be redirected, piped, or manipulated using various Linux commands and utilities. Overall, streams are an essential part of the Linux I/O system and are used extensively in various Linux applications, for example, SAP Netweaver.