Let’s make the order! Prevent the creation of transport requests without specifying a project. Prevent specific project requests from being released

Let’s make that all transport requests will belong to a certain logical group(project).
Also, it allows prohibiting the release of requests for certain projects.

  1. Transaction SPRO_ADMIN. Let’s temporary close releasing of transport requests attached to a project.
    Create several projects:

    Go to the project > Transport Requests > CTS project status switch:

    Select “All configured transport targets”:

    Change Status Switch for Project:

    After that, no one can release transport requests attached to this project:
  2. Transaction SE03
    Go to Display/Change Requests Attributes:

    Change “SAP_CTS_PROJECT” attributes:

    Change to “Mandatory”:

    After that, no one can create a transport request without specifying a project.
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