Migration of SAP BO SQL AnyWhere database to HANA

I encountered strange behavior of the database (or maybe I just need to know how to prepare them), so I migrated to HANA. 


  • Create a tenant in the database (example HBQ)
  • Find out the tenant’s SQL port. To do this, log in to some HANA STUDIO in this tenant and execute the query: 
  • Create an entry in your ODBC.INI:
    vi /home/boqadm/.odbc.ini
    And also on:
    vi /usr/sap/BO/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/odbc.ini

    Why is this so? Good question, it turned out that for some reason it doesn’t work without .odbc.ini in the user’s home folder, perhaps environment variables or something else, in general, in your odbc.ini.

    An example entry, here we use the port obtained from the sql query:
    [HBQ] driver=/home/boqadm/sap/hdbclient/libodbcHDB.so servernode=sap-qas-db:30144 databasename=HBQ description=HBQ
  • Check connection:
    isql -v HBQ SYSTEM mypass
  • Find out and write down your Data Source name in a notepad from CMC> Settings:
  • Find out and write down the Node Name in a notebook:
    cat /usr/sap/BO/sap_bobj/ccm.config | grep SIANODENAME
  • Find out or remember your CLUSTER KEY
  • Run cmsdbsetup.sh from /sap_bobj
  • Enter the node name
  • Enter YES to continue
  • Enter COPY
  • We are asked if the current base is a receiver, we say no
  • Select the receiver type (HANA database)
  • Enter the DSN of the receiver (HANA database), HBQ in our case
  • Enter the user and password (HANA database)
  • Select the source database type (SQL Anywhere)
  • Enter the DSN of the source database (SQL Anywhere)
  • Enter the user and password (SQL Anywhere). LOGIN WILL BE **DBA** big!
  • Copying will begin. The switch to the new base will happen automatically. You can check that the tables have appeared in the tenant. After this, for the sake of completeness of the experiment, I comment out the old DSNs in odbc.ini and reboot the system. Next, by going back to CMC> Settings, we will see that the database has become HANA. Note 1768842 will help.
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